khat 🌸

What are the deal breakers for you in a relationship? 

There are so many things that a person goes through in a relationship. Relationships are meant to bring happiness to a person's life and when they become emotionally draining, there's no point of being in them. There are different kinds of relationships where there are various issues with respect to the partner you are with. 

Some control your decisions / choices / preferences of career, clothes, friends, opportunities etc. You'd not realize when it is happening to you because love makes us blind and senseless, in most cases. So, they might tell you that you shouldn't be wearing such clothes coz they attract unwanted attention or don't talk to anyone from the opposite gender because you don't know what their intentions are. Their classic explanation being, I trust you, I just don't trust them. Some might tell you that you don't need a job because they are working and earning enough. Basically they want to become your third parent. 

The other kind are the ones who abuse your emotions by controlling everything about the relationship. From the fate, future and decisions to the apology after a fight. They leave you hanging out of nowhere and never promise a commitment but want all the rights of a committed relationship. They convince you that you're the reason for every other argument / fight and sometimes when you cry out of helplessness or hurt, they convince you by accusing you over and over that you're crying just for sympathy and using it as a tool. Sometimes they'd scold you too, for crying. And sometimes they'd scold you for expressing how you feel and scare you so much that you'd go in a shut down mode. You'd stop expressing how you feel so that you don't disappoint them further and also not give them another reason to hurt you. 

The other kind are the ones who cheat. The ones who quietly break your trust without letting you know and show a lot of love to escape the guilt that haunts them. And when they're caught, they conveniently say that they don't love you anymore or fell out of love or that it was just a mistake and didn't mean anything or it was a result of your ignorance / anger on them.


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