
Showing posts from August 18, 2019


Just a story ... We loved each other. We did. It was all beautiful and rosy in the beginning. Dates, long walks, conversations over coffee, long drives, late night phone calls, early morning excuses to leave home and what not. It felt as if we completed each other. Now after 7-8 years, when I look back and think about it, I still smile but there are things that I'm reminded about that I still haven't forgotten. He was the best thing that ever happened to me but at the same time, the worst too. It took years to understand that sometimes love can be manipulative, manipulative to the extent that it disables your basic sense, instincts and thought process as well. It's funny how he could manipulate me to cut off with all my friends gradually so as to assure that I had nobody to talk to or share with what I was going through. In this society when you are ambitious, intelligent at the same time a woman as well, there are different kinds of struggles that you go through. My pare

🌼मोहब्बत की उम्मीदें✌️

मोहब्बत की पेहली नज़र जो  तुम पर रुकी थी, सरहदों में कैद  बादलों से बरसी थी, ठुकराया था तुमने मुझको, यह कह कर की मुझमें वो बात नही थी, दिल दुखा  था बस, मोहब्बत की उम्मीदें नही टूटी थी... - मेधावी