
Showing posts from January 30, 2015

Para. Life goes on... with or without someone..( A Story )

I started smiling again, I started living again, even after dying a million deaths, even after an un-repairable heart-break. It took time, hours, weeks, months and years, but it happened and all this while life paused within me. Smiles visited occasionally, but just stayed within the outer shell, laughter came rarely, but just couldn't pass the translucent layers of loneliness. I gathered my own pieces everyday, but found them scattered all over, the next day. The vicious circle went on and on. My self-confidence and self-respect had completely devastated. Whenever I looked into the mirror, all I could see were my tearful eyes. his violent acts, his heart-wrenching words, his betrayal haunted me every night. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't concentrate, I couldn't write, I couldn't talk much. I thought alcohol was the common solution, as I had seen in films and among the people I knew, so just adopted it as a solution. Alcohol soon became an alternative to slee

🎈|बड़ी धीरे जल रही थी|

बड़ी धीरे जल रही थी, वो रात बरसात की, कोहरे में पिघल रही थी, वो शभ एहसास की, कहने को काफिला था, पर हक़ीक़त में एक तस्वीर थी, मोहब्बत का नाम था, और कहने को रांझे की हीर थी, अफ़साने थे, तराने थे, जो दोहरा रही थी रात वो, हम जो भूल चुके थे, किससे दोहरा रही थी रात वो, वो बढ़ रही थी आगे, पर दूर मुझसे थी मीलों खड़ी, तक़दीर सुलझा रही तही गाँठे, पर उलझनें मेरी थी बढ़ रही, वो रात गुज़री तिनका तिनका, मेरी ऑर बस बिखरे ख्वाब रह गये, उसकी तरफ उजालों से भरे अंधेरे थे, शिकस्त तो हम दोनो की थी, पर मोहब्बत की फ़ितरत फिर रंगों में ढल गयी. Medhavi 30.01.15