
Showing posts from February 2, 2019


Today's Reminder ♥️ It often happens that we wake up one day and feel empty... As if there's nothing to look forward to.. there's nothing to be happy about and then we get up and dress up and go out or sometimes just curl up in the bed and sleep all day long. Whenever that happens next, think about the things that make you happy or to be precise the things that make you feel active and encouraged. It might be just talking to a friend, writing something, cleaning up your room, working out, traveling, dancing, singing or playing a sport etc. After you're done thinking, I'm sure you'll end up making a list it at least have one thing to look forward to, one reason to love yourself and one reason to live this day ahead... That's your spark ! Ignite it and keep yourself bright today and tomorrow. Life is all about moving on from bad times and phases towards happier days, so smile and remember that life will smile back at you if you don't give up ! - Medhavi


Today's Reminder ♥️ Love yourself ! You know there are people who break our heart and want to break our spirit too. These toxic people exist and they do it and make you wonder where did you go wrong ? Stop blaming yourself and move on. Such people don't deserve your love or attention. They realize your worth and their mistakes when they see you happy ! That makes them wonder how ! How could you be so strong ! How could you move on ! So surprise them by surprising yourself by loving yourself and moving on from things that make you feel low about yourself, that hamper your self belief, that lower down your spirit and that force you to change yourself. You are just perfect and beautiful in your own ways. Remember that! - Medhavi


Today's Reminder ♥️ Isnt it true that we doubt ourselves more and appreciate less, question our capabilities more and push our potential less, stress more and breathe less, think more and express less, imagine more and write less, talk more and smile less? Let's try reversing the cycle now, appreciate more, encourage more, breathe more, express more, write more and smile more! Suddenly life is so simple ! Isn't it ? Try this and this time, comment more 😊 - Medhavi


Today's Reminder ♥️ It's important to remind yourself today that this day is a gift not just for you but the people in your life because they have you around them. You need to believe in yourself and the fact that you matter in your own capacity most essentially. Your friends, family and just the people who are connected to you love you and get inspired by you in known and unknown mysterious ways. You are worth everything because you are you! So be yourself and change for good. Change us inevitable so don't expect things to be constant... Be it relationships or bad times, seasons or phases, life or death. And most importantly you are magical in miraculous ways. Love yourself if you want to be loved ♥️ - Medhavi


☘️Today's Reminder ♥️ It is very important to be kind to yourself. Often we don't realize but we end up being harsh and demanding to ourselves just because the people around us expect things from us... Sometimes we end up stressing over things that demand more seriousness and planning. We should really care about the thoughts that we put our mind and heart through. I'm sure you too talk to yourself or the mirror at times, because I do. We scold ourselves and tell ourselves when we go wrong... But in all this process do we realize what we forget ? We forget appreciating ourselves.. we forget to tell ourselves how awesome we are.. congratulating ourselves when we achieve something... And telling ourselves that everything is gonna be alright... Today I am reminding you to do this ! Go talk to yourself, tell yourself all the things that you love about yourself and be kind to yourself. - Medhavi .