
Showing posts from August 29, 2017

🎈|And maybe some day I will stop loving you|

There are times when I think about a chain of "what ifs"... What if I never said "yes", "Yes" to love, and "yes" to you, And that I, loved you too... What if I didn't accept anything less, Less than love, and still so much, And didn't allow that first kiss and touch... What if I didn't fall in love, In love with those deep black eyes, And didn't believe in those brutal lies... What if I never gave a second chance, Chances of making me believe, That your love was true and not a dream... What if the "what ifs" didn't exist, And you remained a story for me, A story of unrequited love and loss, A story of semi colon and not a full stop... A dream that never turned into a nightmare, A scream that never turned into silence, A voice that never echoed with pain, A choice that I would never make again... I won't say I hate or regret loving you, And I won't even say that I will forget you