
Showing posts from December 13, 2015


Mirrors... I was looking for myself and I bumped into you. I didn't get much time to look in those deep eyes or see that mesmerising smile of yours.. but could just see that we were so identical in supernatural or inexplicable ways. I realised that two mirrors broke and our pieces shattered on the ground. We left those broken pieces on the floor and started walking together. Everyday when we met, we felt an emptiness that we couldn't understand or accept.. those pieces were missing. They used to hurt us when we walked over them.. we used to bleed every time as we broke our own or each other's pieces. Those pieces were our innermost fears.. dreams.. values.. that we just left there.. abandoned. When we bumped into each other, we just noticed the pieces that got shattered, but not that we were just the same.. we were mirrors... mirror images of each other.. We had the same fears.. same insecurities.. same madness and same broken spirits. We then walked bac