
Showing posts from July 31, 2016

🎈Perfect person, imperfect time...

How does it feel to be in love with someone you can never be with ? Similar question ? Similar situation ? Similar story ? Yeah. Fortunately or unfortunately. The worst part about it being meeting the perfect person at the most imperfect time of your life.. when all you need is time and that is the only thing that you don't have. And you feel, all your life went in vain being with the wrong people, investing in the wrong relationships, getting your heart broken by the unworthy and not being able to do anything who is worth everything. Dilemma or decision ? Decision or choice ? Choice or the only option ? Who can make out ? Nobody ! People see you with the person and ask where's it going and you have no answer. You can just look at the significant other, smile and stay speechless. Life is unfair ? Or time is ? You aren't capable enough or circumstances are paralytic ? Whose fault is it ? Why ? Unanswered questions about unreasonable love... Crazy, selfish yet selfless love