
Showing posts from May 22, 2024


He again lied to her about 'her' call He had saved 'her' number with a different name She believed him and chose to fall Blindfolded she was and got fooled again She saw him sharing glances with 'her'  In a crowded corridor she could catch their gaze But he looked at her just the way he did  And she gave up finding the way out from this maze He used to go to meet 'her' in her absence  She was somewhere alone lost in his thoughts  But he never cared and kept testing her patience And kept doing what he should have not They were an example for everyone around  But nobody could see the cracks in perfection  Her heart kept breaking without a sound And she kept on covering the cracks with her tears He said he didn't love her and needed more time  She said 'yes' like every other time He smiled at her and gave her hopes again But she had no idea about the actual decision he took for them Her fears were the same  Her insecurities were alike His lies n

Abhi 1

आज यूँ ही तुम्हारी याद आ गयी,  और सोच में पड़ गए ,  तुम होते तो कैसा होता... शायद मुशकिलें आसानी से आसान हो जाती ,  रातें यह शायद सो कर गुज़र जाती , हर सुबह तुम्हे ख़ुशी से याद करते ,  मिलने के नए बहाने हम बुन्ते ... पर अब तुम इतनी दूर हो ,  की कोई पुकार तुम तक नही पहूँचती ,  कोई खत तुम्हारा पता नही जानता ,  कोई ज़रिया तुम से नही जुडता ... सोचते हैं अक्सर ,  क्या तुम हो आस पास कहीं ,  मेरी गलतियां देख रहे हो , या मेरे रास्ते चुन रहे हो ,  अगर हो तो हाथ बढा रखा है ,  बस एक कदम आगे बढ कर ,  थाम लो हमको . कि बिखर रहे हैँ ख्वाब यह सारे ,  इस अेतबार पर , की तुम हो यहीं पर ,  एक दफा बस लौट भी आओ ,  सांस दे जाओ , ज़िन्दगी भर के लिए ...  . . Miss you Abhishek Singh.  Please come back.  RIP.