
Showing posts from July 12, 2016

Para Whereabouts...*

'You care too much!', he said. 'I'm not a kid, I'm an adult. Stop asking me if I had my lunch. Ofcourse I had, I eat it everyday n if I don't, it's no big deal. Stop asking me when I'll come back, how am I travelling or who is dropping me back. Stop asking me if I am responsible enough when I'm drinking. I can take care of myself. I'm not a baby for God's sake!'. She stood there. Quiet. Numb. Hurt. But still quiet. 'Sorry', she said. 'I know you eat your lunch everyday, but I like eating mine, after I know you are full. I know you are an adult n can travel safe, but I'm scared, coz I value you, I'm scared when you are drunk n you drive, I'm scared when you are sleepy n you travel late. I know you're not a baby. But you don't realize. You are my life and I protect you just the way I protect myself. I like hearing from you, nothing fancy or romantic, but just that 'I am okay', 'I'll be