
Showing posts from May 14, 2017

🚩 Depression does that to you

Yes, Depression does that to you... You ignore yourself initially and then eventually start forgetting your own essence, your dreams, your passions... Your secret escapes suddenly die and you find yourself trapped in your own world of self doubt. You question your existence and that if it matters. You don't feel scared anymore about harming yourself by self ignorance. You ignore the signs that your body gives you. You keep these signs a secret.. even from yourself and then when they get serious and visible to others, you panic as if you had no idea about them. You no longer like to see yourself in the mirror or dressing up, every day just becomes any other day, every thing that you loved starts feeling like a part of your past life. Self love takes a back seat and self confidence loses it's charm, your every day questions to yourself become a habit. When you talk about it with someone, they look at you and try to convince you that it is just a phase or just an extended thou