
Showing posts from February 27, 2017

🚩How do you ? ...*

How do you sleep at night ? With that heavy heart filled with guilt... How do you smile all the time ? With those eyes filled with grief... How do you talk with such ease ? With a million fumbling thoughts... How do you enable yourself to love again ? With nothing left to give except pain... How do you hold her hand ? With the fear that you might give up... How do you look into her eyes ? With unsure feelings inside your heart... How do you live this life ? With no reason to love yourself... Medhavi 27.02.17

🤗|She wasn't her...|

He looked into her eyes. She lost her focus. He smiled at her. She was flummoxed. He walked past her. She could smell him. He sat opposite her. She could hear him talk. He looked happier. She was lost in despair. He again looked at her. She recollected herself again. But he was with her. And she wasn't her. Medhavi 27.02.17