🚩How do you ? ...*

How do you sleep at night ?
With that heavy heart filled with guilt...
How do you smile all the time ?
With those eyes filled with grief...
How do you talk with such ease ?
With a million fumbling thoughts...
How do you enable yourself to love again ?
With nothing left to give except pain...
How do you hold her hand ?
With the fear that you might give up...
How do you look into her eyes ?
With unsure feelings inside your heart...
How do you live this life ?
With no reason to love yourself...



  1. Answer: By being a heartless son of a bitch.
    I've been reading your blog. I'm really sorry for the emotional turmoil you are going through. Hope you come out stronger.

    1. Hey, I just read your comment. Sorry I am not regular here. I have a regular blog at UCNews. Google Blogger is where I maintain my archive. Thank you for reading. really means a lot. http://tz.ucweb.com/5_2nU8 This is the link to my blog. You can read my poetry and posts regularly. Keep reading and commenting. I have a Facebook Page as well with the same name. I am so glad that you read and liked it and for feeling sorry for me. Writing for me is like a window from which I am able to take out all my feelings. Thank you again.


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