
Showing posts from June 10, 2016

Para Winds of Change... (2008)*

Life is nothing but a journey of changing weathers, tastes, relationships and priorities. Sometimes this change is zippy, sometimes bewitching.. sometimes appauling, sometimes tenable.. and these changes make us stronger, teach us with the mysterious zonks of life. These come with people, seasons and phases. Changes aren't defined. They come n go..hurt and heal.. These mixed emotions come with change..the Winds of Change. Life is nothing but a combat of the heart and the mind. We learn so much from it. We meet so many kinds of people, we make so many relationships, we take decisions, we take up responsibilities.. Every person, every relationship improves us, sooner or later, we learn something good from it. Relationships give birth to new expectations, desires, dreams and perceptions. A relationship has four stages, First stage is AFFILIATION, companionship.. In this stage, two people conceive and implement a relationship. It can be any relationship, lov