
Showing posts from November 29, 2015

🎈A lonely night...

A lonely night, And a novel beside, A half heart, Of reading it aloud. A playlist in my phone, That I dont play aloud, A broken heart, And a hope still in parts. Few dim lights in the room, The same dream in open eyes, A melted candle with past fumes, And the same truths, same lies. Film posters and a hundred pictures, On all the walls spread throughout, A million moments all around, And a lonely soul screaming so loud. Few frustrations and unanswered goodbyes, Echoing again in the mountains of sighs, Even truth now seems deceptive, And love now seems infective.  Good words now scare me to hell, Broken promises now force me to tell. The unsaid story, The unpaid attention, The incomplete tale, The unbound sail. And Im standing here, Abandoned.. rejected. The love and emotions, Unappreciated.. ejected. No hopes but dreams still persist, No trust but beliefs still exist, Me and my broken heart, Sing a song throughout the night. Love... o love.. will you ever be my destiny, Im so tired of