
Showing posts from October 29, 2023

is it okay 🌸

Is it okay if I tell you... That I miss you the moment you go out of my sight,  That I think about you until the end of every night,  That I begin my day with a smile because I have you in my life,  That I choose the color of my clothes keeping you in my mind... Is it okay if I tell you... That I still look at our pictures and wonder how we made it so far,  That I still crave for your presence and the love that you shower,  That I smell my clothes after you go coz they smell of you,  That I still drink water from the glass that you used last time,  That I still listen to songs that remind me of you,  That I calm myself down when I can't live without you that it's all gonna be fine... Is it okay if I tell you... That even thinking of my life without you breaks me from within,  That the thought of not seeing you again brings a full stop to my being,  That I pray for you every single time when I pray,  That I long for more of you every single day... Is it okay if I tell you... Tha