
Showing posts from June 16, 2019

W. Heavy 🌸

Long days and longer nights, unanswered questions, incomplete sentences, shattered dreams, exaggerated nuances, irreparable damage, destined misery; Life never felt this heavy. Stagnant, yet flowing like a river, Drenched, yet dry as a desert, Heavy, yet light as a feather, Clueless, yet meaningful, Lost, yet focused, Alone, yet crowded, lonely, yet happier. Confused is it or crystal clear, Bolder now, yet with a deep fear, Life is it, or some story, Episodes of love and misery, Episodes of laughter and tears, Episodes of family and camaraderie, Episodes of months and years, Emotions on loop and dreams on fire, Ambitions unplugged and deep desires, A heavy heart and a heavier breath, A heavy life with a heavier death. Medhavi