
Showing posts from September 12, 2015

Mystery (State of mind)

He was a mystery, the more I met him, the more I discovered new things  about him. His way of thinking with respect to different things varied so much from mine, but he still managed to reach a middle ground through his reasons and perceptions.  He was mature yet childish, because he changed colors like the different phases of the day. At times, he told me things that left me into a million dillemmas, of which the biggest was, why did I fall in love with someone like him, who has had such crazy encounters, experiences and stories in the past. I didn't think much, but just made myself re-understand the fact that I love him, no matter how his truths get uglier, layer by layer, because some realities were still pleasant. Like his love for me, the kisses that he planted on my forehead, his smile, his voice and what not.  I needed not just one reason to stay with him, because I had plenty. Because when I fell in love with him, I fell with each pore of his, each vein, each thought of h