
Showing posts from July 23, 2018

TR 5

♥️ Today's Reminder ♥️ Self belief is like a magic potion that boosts up your spirits to another level and so is self esteem. Never allow anyone to pull you down below your self resoect, never let anyone cross that line. Sometimes people start believing and accepting that they deserve to be treated badly, that they deserve to be hurt and disrespected. That is when things change, that is when things get complicated and difficult. It's then when we allow others to take advantage of us, bully us and make us feel small. Equality is important but more than that self respect. It is essential and a compulsory trait for any sensible and good human being. So, don't try to force your life in some direction where it is not meant to be. Life is beautiful and it's worth is defined by our actions. Hence, be nice to yourself. Love, Medhavi . . .

TR 4

🌟Today's Reminder ♥️ Hey guys, so the last few days were a little tough for me. But here I am, back to myself ! Depression can be fought with, only if you are willing to fight. So I decided to get back at it. Today I'm talking about how we let others take advantage of us, how we prioritize them over other things, people, opportunities etc. It's important to give the correct priority to every important person in our lives, but what about those people who don't reciprocate ? What about those people who never put you first ? Life is full of such thankless people who never realize that they also need to give in relationships. These people can be a part of your life in endless ways, best friend, boy friend, partner, colleague, spouse, sibling, boss, employee.. any damn person. All you need to do is definitely not change yourself but categorize such people and don't let their poison make you weaker and finally kill your spirit. Don't let these people take you and you

TR 3

Today's Reminder ♥️ from my journal 😊 Sorry for the late reminder guys, just going through a tough time. Some days you feel that life has come to a halt and you have nowhere to go. You feel lost and distracted, tired and depressed, and that's when you know that something is really wrong. It's tough nowadays to wake up every morning because there aren't many things to look forward to. Getting pictures clicked or clicking few for the blog becomes difficult at times when your mind is at a dark place. But I know this phase shall pass and things will be fine. Hence, this present journey is important and shall matter later when I'll think about how I lived this rough time. And I want to look back and feel proud... Because it all matters how well you walk through the fire. I want to walk with my head held high and a smile at my face. What about you ? . .

TR 2

Today's Reminder ♥️ Life has its own ways of creating new thresholds for us. We often think that we might not succeed, we often look at others and feel that they have so much and we have so little and we often think in silence that we don't have it in us anymore. . . It's just the way we talk to ourselves that creates a lot of difference. We need to remember that we have our own super powers, we have everything but we just need to realize things by ourselves. We need to believe that we have our own shine, our own spark, our own fire and our own glow, as @rumi_poetry has defined how there is a sun inside every person, we need to find ours and we need to let it shine from beneath. Just remember, you have it in you, just rediscover yourself and you'll get there. 😊

TR 1

Today's Reminder ♥️ Many times in life we end up cribbing about things that we didn't get, opportunities that we missed and regrets. But what we generally miss out is the fact that most of these things are those which we don't get to experience because we don't have the courage to fight for it or talk about it. My best friend @somyachatrath taught me this beautiful lesson of life that if you want to do something, say something or try something, do it right then and there... There's no point keeping a regret for life ... There's no point of collecting more "what ifs". What would be the worst that could happen ? When you want to do something and are doubtful about it.. just think about two things : is this illegal ? Would it harm or hurt anyone physically or emotionally ? And if both the answers are "No" then just go for it 😊 I learnt this from her and implied this on my life and since then life has become much simpler. So go and try doing Sal