TR 1

Today's Reminder ♥️ Many times in life we end up cribbing about things that we didn't get, opportunities that we missed and regrets. But what we generally miss out is the fact that most of these things are those which we don't get to experience because we don't have the courage to fight for it or talk about it. My best friend @somyachatrath taught me this beautiful lesson of life that if you want to do something, say something or try something, do it right then and there... There's no point keeping a regret for life ... There's no point of collecting more "what ifs". What would be the worst that could happen ? When you want to do something and are doubtful about it.. just think about two things : is this illegal ? Would it harm or hurt anyone physically or emotionally ? And if both the answers are "No" then just go for it 😊 I learnt this from her and implied this on my life and since then life has become much simpler. So go and try doing Salsa, tell that girl that you love her ! Go try that roller coaster... Tell that guy that he's handsome etc. Etc. Don't keep regrets. Life is too short to keep regrets and what ifs. Love you guys ♥️
- Medhavi


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