
Showing posts from January 5, 2023

khat 🌸

What are the deal breakers for you in a relationship?  There are so many things that a person goes through in a relationship. Relationships are meant to bring happiness to a person's life and when they become emotionally draining, there's no point of being in them. There are different kinds of relationships where there are various issues with respect to the partner you are with.  Some control your decisions / choices / preferences of career, clothes, friends, opportunities etc. You'd not realize when it is happening to you because love makes us blind and senseless, in most cases. So, they might tell you that you shouldn't be wearing such clothes coz they attract unwanted attention or don't talk to anyone from the opposite gender because you don't know what their intentions are. Their classic explanation being, I trust you, I just don't trust them. Some might tell you that you don't need a job because they are working and earning enough. Basically they wa

intezaar - waiting in love 🌸

Intezaar kis hadh tak kaafi hai ?  Are you really ready to wait for him? When there's no time limit, no commitment, no promises but just a hope that the person you love might change for good from a man - child to finally a man some day. In a relationship, a partner should be an equal, who is responsible for giving too and not just taking away your energy in the name of care and support. A partner is a partner, not a project that you need to work on. A partner has to be there for you just the way you are there for him.  Maybe someone after reading this might question me about my bias towards women, or the fact that why am I only talking about men being immature. It's because it is a fact that men take time to understand things and are emotionally challenged. They don't know most of the time about how to channelize their feelings, how to express, how to stop the one they love, how to realize things in time.. etc. I used to think all this and thought that maybe these are my ju

deal breakers🌸

What are the deal breakers for you in a relationship?  There are so many things that a person goes through in a relationship. Relationships are meant to bring happiness to a person's life and when they become emotionally draining, there's no point of being in them. There are different kinds of relationships where there are various issues with respect to the partner you are with.  Some control your decisions / choices / preferences of career, clothes, friends, opportunities etc. You'd not realize when it is happening to you because love makes us blind and senseless, in most cases. So, they might tell you that you shouldn't be wearing such clothes coz they attract unwanted attention or don't talk to anyone from the opposite gender because you don't know what their intentions are. Their classic explanation being, I trust you, I just don't trust them. Some might tell you that you don't need a job because they are working and earning enough. Basically they wa

save yourself first 🌸

I meet a lot of people who often ask or rather complain that their life's not getting any better. Honestly, I'm also one of them. But sometimes you need to hear it from someone else and so, here it is.  When you go through a tough time and you feel that you've hit your rock bottom, you feel that nothing would make me feel better. Nothing would ever be the same. And I won't say that you're wrong. You're right. Every loss makes us lose a part of our heart. But the important thing is what you take back from it. After many such experiences, I have learnt the hard way that God will keep putting you through hard times until you learn the lesson that he's trying to teach you. Be it at your professional front, w.r.t dealing with certain situations, or personal front w.r.t trusting/judging people, giving chances or making choices.  If you'd continue to handle the situations the same way you handled them the first time, don't expect different results. It's

one person 🌸

So, there's always this one person, whose smile literally makes your heart smile & whose tears tear your heart apart. You look forward to making them happier and doing things for them on their hard days and maybe sometimes without any occasion.  Their smiles speak out 'happiness' to you. There's no logic about why it affects you so positively, but you begin to feel at ease as you see them happy. Yes, you meet so many people every other day and many of you are so very special to you. But this one person, who can be your lover, mother, sister, brother, best friend etc. just operates on your calm with their state of mind. It's not that they needed or asked for this connection, it just persists since you know them !