
Showing posts from August 26, 2016

Para Losing feelings...*

Can a person lose feelings for someone he's/she's madly been in love with ? Not post break up or a fight or an argument, but being in a relationship ? Can he/she just wake up one morning with no love for the same person he/she was crazy about a few days back ? Is this possible ? Yes. It is. And this happens only due to one reason, that is, being drained out. You meet somebody, you fall in love, the journey seems to be dream like, there are ups and downs, fights and laughter, failures and success, struggles and strength, but you stay steady and move through all those phases. This is normal. But what if only one person is held responsible or holds the responsibility of the entire relationship ? Only one person, say A, prioritises, compromises, sacrifices, stays loyal and gives it all, while the other person, say B, takes A for granted, never makes an effort, isn't considerate, never compromises, never goes out of the way, fools around, cheats and just keeps taking it al