Para Losing feelings...*

Can a person lose feelings for someone he's/she's madly been in love with ? Not post break up or a fight or an argument, but being in a relationship ? Can he/she just wake up one morning with no love for the same person he/she was crazy about a few days back ? Is this possible ?

Yes. It is. And this happens only due to one reason, that is, being drained out. You meet somebody, you fall in love, the journey seems to be dream like, there are ups and downs, fights and laughter, failures and success, struggles and strength, but you stay steady and move through all those phases. This is normal. But what if only one person is held responsible or holds the responsibility of the entire relationship ? Only one person, say A, prioritises, compromises, sacrifices, stays loyal and gives it all, while the other person, say B, takes A for granted, never makes an effort, isn't considerate, never compromises, never goes out of the way, fools around, cheats and just keeps taking it all from A.

When B is asked or signalled by A or their friends about what all they should be doing for the relationship n that they must acknowledge the efforts of A, their take on this is always that they don't expect. They don't think they deserve so well n if they are being so much loved, it's not their fault, coz they never asked for it.

A keeps patience, keeps the love alive, continues to sacrifice, compromise, give and not expect, with just a hope that one day B might reciprocate, one day, B might realize their efforts. But what if this doesn't happen ? This is almost the story of every other arranged marriage and unfortunately some relationships too which are not even committed by any legal means.

One day suddenly, A realizes that this is not what they deserve, and by then they are so drained out that they don't even want anything better, they don't even hope that somebody else might be the one for them, coz they have invested so much in this one relationship. They have cried, killed their ego, compromised with their self respect and what not. They try to talk about it with B, about how drained out they feel n maybe they no longer have the strength to hold the relationship solely on their shoulders, but somewhere inside they know or fear, that this might just trigger their separation from B. B might just casually say, that yes, if it's not working out, leave me, I've always been telling you to leave me. A gets more drained out thinking about the consequences, the situations and lives with this feeling.

One day maybe as B claims, he/she realizes A's worth n start doing things for A. Not that great but yeah, minimals of a relationship, like keeping updated about their whereabouts, giving time, doing things together, being loyal, loving, caring etc. But A knows that this has happened so many times before n every single time, A had expected it to last, n it did for almost a week everytime. B says that this time it's different, may be it is, but what about A? In the process of repairing B and the relationship, A himself/herself got damaged and now doesn't feel anything... As for A, the presence of B has always been so non-emotional, non-engaging and almost non-existent. Now that B is doing things for A, A is surprised and doesn't even allow himself/herself to accept this.. because his/her dreams have been broken before, her hopes have been thrashed before and he/she has been rejected, lied to, cheated over and over.

This feeling of indifference, being drained out, emotionally deplorable and helplessness is the reason why some people lose their strong feelings for the one they have been madly in love with. But unfortunately, true love in most cases is not acknowledged, not reciprocated and disrespected, because nowadays, everything from gadgets to phones and to relationships, everything comes with a back up, options of replacement and thus, this is what is ruining the essence of love and loyalty in today's world.



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