
Showing posts from October 17, 2014

🎈|तुम टूट रहे हो मेरी तक़दीर से|

तुम टूट रहे हो मेरी तक़दीर से, या यह डोर हमेशा से ही कच्ची थी, क्यूँ बाँधने दिया मैने खुद को मोहब्बत की ज़ंजीर से, मैं तो बेपरवाह ही अच्छी थी.     Medhavi - 17th Oct'14

🎈|sometimes... |

Sometimes in life, you meet people who are of this sugar-coated dreamy kind of genre.. you want to touch them, they disappear.. you want to go away, they reappear.. you want to get attached, u encounter reality, you want to cut off completely, u encounter ignorance, you want to build castles, they hit you with a brick, you become rock solid, they treat you like a feather, you finally recollect things n clear your mind, N they ring the bell again to confuse you, you then smile at yourself for being so tender at heart,  n curse youself as you knew things from the start, But you still got yourself blindfolded n fooled, and let your emotions get misused.. Thats how these creatures are.. dreamy.. beautiful n deadly !! - Medhavi 15-10-14