
Showing posts from September 28, 2015

Forgive me...

Forgive me, forgive me, He said again... Forgive the heartbreak, And all the pain... Forget that I forgot you for a while, Forget that I touched her just the way I touch you, Forget that I shared my breaths with hers, Forget that I left my smell in a few rooms of her... Forget that I shared myself with her, Forget that I forgot that you were away, Forget that I took you for granted and had no fears, Forget that I thought it was just another day... Forget that I did it after thinking twice, Forget that I thought of you but still couldn't fight, Forget that I wasn't weak but wanted it too, Forget that I kept aside my love for you... Forgive me for a transitory moment that ruptured your faith, Forgive me for reality that is heart wrenching but was just a phase... I kept quiet, the helplessness said it all, I sat aside, held myself and cried, I looked at him and asked him 'why me', He hugged me tight and begged, please dont leave me...