
Showing posts from August 20, 2015

Lonh. You destroyed me in meaningful ways

You destroyed me in meaningful ways, The heartbreak didn't have a sound but it shattered, It shattered in a way that it broke my spirit, It shattered in a way that it's pieces still hurt... Love and dreams that meant so much, Just got lost within the echoes of despair, Commitment n honesty that lived in my blood, Just drained out through the million tears... The melancholy, the anguish, the loss, Brought me to a deserted island, Where the beautiful waves screamed silences, And the winds had just the past's fragrances... My body came back but the soul still rests there, The belief died, the faith died, Happiness became momentary, Pain became extra-ordinary, Smiles became fake, Hugs became mandatory... You transformed me into a person I never wanted to be, You transformed me in ways that you could never see, Love is now a far dream, you killed humanity... I never want to see you again, But hope to see you fall in love, So you understand