
Showing posts from June 30, 2017

😕yes, college was now history

I woke up this morning in a rush, Looked for something under my closet in hurry, A sudden realisation then made me sad, yes, college was now history. College meant "friends", college meant "fun", College meant "shopping", college meant "bunks", College meant "long lectures", college meant "paper chats", College meant "6 semesters", college meant "spoilt brats", College meant "free entry to RPM", college meant "junk food", College meant "trips", college meant "changing moods", College meant "matching bags", college meant "makeovers", College meant "festivals", college meant "mocha shake and hookaah", College meant "cab fees", college meant "high heels", College meant so much more, college meant "life". College connects me to a million moments, a million smiles, a m

😑Live with the illusion, live in the illusion

The most beautiful things in life do not exist for a long time. We have our own beliefs in our own promises made to our selves and others. Beliefs with respect to relationships, dreams, aspirations, hopes, which succeed or fail, as their functioning and destiny is not under our control. We think what we like to think, we intend to believe things that make us feel good, by perceiving the unreal reality and the impossible true. In the end, we realize and understand that it is just an incubation of the mind, an illusion, that does nothing but brings temporary happiness to us, especially when we are lonely. We believe and think that the things that we desire would exist for ever, but there is nothing permanent in life. Every thing has an end, an expiry date. There comes a time when nothing can fill the void created between the mind and the heart. At times, we smile and are happy knowing well in the back of our minds, that this is a transitory phase and we are going to lose it all in the

Long राह में है छाई ऐसी तन्हाई

राह में है छाई ऐसी तन्हाई, खुद का साया भी पराया सा लगता है, जिस प्यार पे था भरोसा खुद से ज़ादा, अब वो बिछड़ा हुआ साया सा लगता है, हम छोड़ चले अपनी राहें एक अधूरी मंज़िल के लिए, कुछ मजबूर खुद से और कुछ अपने दिल के लिए. अपनों को खुद से दूर करते हुए, तोड़ा दिल के आगे मजबूर होते हुए, तेरे लिए सब गवाते रहे, सबसे दूर,और तेरे करीब आते रहे. जब यह जहाँ छोड़ दिया, तेरे लिए सबसे मूह मोड़ लिया, तूने कहा यह मोहब्बत नहीं, जो कुछ हुआ वो हक़ीक़त नहीं, दिल तोड़ के हमारा आप मुस्कुराते हुए, हाथ छुड़ा के दूर जाते हुए, हमें ही तन्हा कर गये, हम भी खामोश से खड़े रहे, दिल के टुकड़ों को समेत-ते रहे, शायद खुद को ही रुसवा कर गये. राह में है छाई ऐसी तन्हाई, खुद का साया भी पराया सा लगता है, जिस प्यार पे था भरोसा खुद से ज़ादा, अब वो बिछड़ा हुआ साया सा लगता है.