😑Live with the illusion, live in the illusion

The most beautiful things in life do not exist for a long time. We have our own beliefs in our own promises made to our selves and others. Beliefs with respect to relationships, dreams, aspirations, hopes, which succeed or fail, as their functioning and destiny is not under our control. We think what we like to think, we intend to believe things that make us feel good, by perceiving the unreal reality and the impossible true. In the end, we realize and understand that it is just an incubation of the mind, an illusion, that does nothing but brings temporary happiness to us, especially when we are lonely. We believe and think that the things that we desire would exist for ever, but there is nothing permanent in life. Every thing has an end, an expiry date. There comes a time when nothing can fill the void created between the mind and the heart. At times, we smile and are happy knowing well in the back of our minds, that this is a transitory phase and we are going to lose it all in the near future, but human nature is such that we choose to be in such illusions, especially when we are not emotionally strong or lonely. We remain happy with this illusion, this mirage created by our own thought and decisions. Love creates room for some one who never existed before and before meeting that someone, life was never dependent over any one for survival, but when love happens, life changes. We start believing blindly, despite of the fact that most of the times, it leads to hurt, betrayal and trouble, because we choose to smile, and be happy, no matter how much the life span is. We meet people every day, smile at some, shake hands with some, or just have a conversation with some in utter silence, walk with a stranger yet feel an awkward connection which is mysterious in its own ways. We start talking to some one randomly, be it the guard of a hostel or office, or someone at the bus stop, we caress an absolute strange infant, we watch a film with a stranger and share a laugh or take suggestion from a stranger during shopping, these moments are about little connections that bind us and also just because these little moments make us smile. These moments are priceless and such are the relationships that bind us together, a hug from an old friend makes you forget all grief, a little caress from your mother still gives you the best sleep, an old songs at the radio brings all the beautiful memories and sometimes, regrets. There are so many kinds of relationships we build, few are silent, few are loud, some expect, some just give, some forget, some forgive, some move on, some move with us, some stay, for the time being, while some stay for ever. These moments and relationships are stored and engraved deep in a block of our hearts. As I understood from my best friend, we make certain blocks in our heart which are meant for the different people in our lives, some are friends, some are enemies, some are acquaintances, while some are soul mates, some are advisors, some are destroyers, some are just there, some are life! This way we prioritize relationships, emotions and decisions and hence, balance our lives. Life never gives us another chance, and if it does, don't miss it! So it is easier to live in these little illusions and be content with the finest moments in life which hurt us, teach us, grow us. So live with the illusion, live in the illusion but don't live an illusionary life. accept realities when its time, love your life, live your life, set your priorities and smile.

PC: Medhavi (Self feature)



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