
Showing posts from January 1, 2015


He was like the wind, free spirited, free minded, but he knew, how to cage my dreams... He was the elegance behind the ugly, covered, layered, but he knew how to undress my self-esteem... He was like the sea, vast, unpredictable and deep, but he knew how to control each move of me... He was like the road to eternity, destined yet unsure, but he knew how to chop down each feather of me... He was like a blessing, but the most harmful choice that I made... He was like a deck of cards who had different colors, levels and phases, I was just a black spade... He was love and life to me, but he killed the chamber in the heart, that created emotions in me... He was the reason I breathed, but he just extinguished the hope, that made life possible to me. Medhavi Medz 01.01.15 ..........................................................................................................................................................