intezaar - waiting in love 🌸

Intezaar kis hadh tak kaafi hai ? 

Are you really ready to wait for him? When there's no time limit, no commitment, no promises but just a hope that the person you love might change for good from a man - child to finally a man some day.

In a relationship, a partner should be an equal, who is responsible for giving too and not just taking away your energy in the name of care and support. A partner is a partner, not a project that you need to work on. A partner has to be there for you just the way you are there for him. 

Maybe someone after reading this might question me about my bias towards women, or the fact that why am I only talking about men being immature. It's because it is a fact that men take time to understand things and are emotionally challenged. They don't know most of the time about how to channelize their feelings, how to express, how to stop the one they love, how to realize things in time.. etc. I used to think all this and thought that maybe these are my judgements until I watched Zakir Khan's "Haq se Single" in which he has talked about the difference between how men and women deal with the same situation. 

Men, especially most Indian men, by default, are dependent heavily on their partner for their needs, basic or emotional, majorly because of a doting mother, who is again a woman. As women have a tendency to over - love, go beyond their limits, sacrifice their peace, let go of their self respect, men begin to take them for granted just the way they take their mothers for granted. But here they forget, that unlike their moms, their partner can leave them and find someone or something that makes them happy and what they truly deserve. 

So, Dear Men, please stop taking your partners for granted. The day you leave them or break their hearts, they will cry, yearn and maybe break down for you. But, eventually they will acknowledge their own potential and always get a better person without even trying too hard. Cherish what you have, communicate your emotions and don't live in this belief that they are never going to leave you no matter how you treat them. Treat them well and they'll stand by you in your worst phases. Respect them. 

- Medhavi


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