TR 4

🌟Today's Reminder ♥️ Hey guys, so the last few days were a little tough for me. But here I am, back to myself ! Depression can be fought with, only if you are willing to fight. So I decided to get back at it. Today I'm talking about how we let others take advantage of us, how we prioritize them over other things, people, opportunities etc. It's important to give the correct priority to every important person in our lives, but what about those people who don't reciprocate ? What about those people who never put you first ? Life is full of such thankless people who never realize that they also need to give in relationships. These people can be a part of your life in endless ways, best friend, boy friend, partner, colleague, spouse, sibling, boss, employee.. any damn person. All you need to do is definitely not change yourself but categorize such people and don't let their poison make you weaker and finally kill your spirit. Don't let these people take you and your goodness for granted. Protect yourself before you protect anything or anybody else. Your emotional health and well being is important. .- Medhavi


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