Para Winds of Change... (2008)*

Life is nothing but a journey of changing weathers, tastes, relationships and priorities.
Sometimes this change is zippy, sometimes bewitching..
sometimes appauling, sometimes tenable..
and these changes make us stronger, teach us with the mysterious zonks of life. These come with people, seasons and phases.

Changes aren't defined. They come n go..hurt and heal..
These mixed emotions come with change..the Winds of Change.

Life is nothing but a combat of the heart and the mind. We learn so much from it. We meet so many kinds of people, we make so many relationships, we take decisions, we take up responsibilities.. Every person, every relationship improves us, sooner or later, we learn something good from it. Relationships give birth to new expectations, desires, dreams and perceptions.

A relationship has four stages,
First stage is AFFILIATION, companionship..
In this stage, two people conceive and implement a relationship. It can be any relationship, love, friendship,anything. In this stage there are no conditions but complicit and pious love. Two people care about each other and epitomise as a true and honest relationship. They do things for each other with an assuaging appeal.

Second stage is RELIANCE, trust..
By this time, the two people start a perennial bond by mitigating personal egos and other despicable factors. They forfend and forwarn each each other and refrain to shirk each other. The bond grows stronger, the love grows deeper, the changes grow beautiful and the people grow mature with time.

Third stage is RENOUNCE, sacrifice..
This is the most salient stage of a relationship. This stage can come sooner or later but does come with time. When one person solicits support of the other person in jeopardy. Its when the truth..the honesty of the relationship is ordealed. Situations are sporadic, random but some or the other way they are tenable in nature. But every person needs a cornerstone, a person who doesnt arraigns his principles, a person who accepts him with his mistakes and the deplorable condition of the present situation. If the other person totally replicates his previous beliefs of carrying on with the relationship with uttermost honesty and extreme levels of patience and understanding, then he becomes successful and crosses this legit as well.

Fourth stage is CONTINUUM, endurance... or CUSP, the end...
These are the two extremes of a relationship and thus it totally depends upon person to person, whether the person is ready to continue his volition to grow the relationship or he is not ready to reiterate the efforts. The end or the continuity depends on the person's priorities at that point of time and the endeavour to live and grow with the relationship.The end of a relationship is due to many reasons, it may be loss of the spark, the love, the faith, suspicion, apprehension or some ego clash, or some new developed principles grown with time. But every relationship can be maintained with a little compromise, a little change, a little sacrifice and understanding.

These winds of change teach us that every person comes to our life with a purpose. Every person is different, every person has diverse principles. But every person strives for happiness and happiness comes with relationships !

So grow with these changes, let the zephyr touch you..time moves on and all we can do is to let the wounds of the heart heal..move with the changes, accept them as they come..because..THESE CHANGES MAKE US WHAT WE ARE..and THESE CHANGES BREAK US TO MAKE US WHAT WE COULDN'T EVER BE..


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