Para Whereabouts...*

'You care too much!', he said. 'I'm not a kid, I'm an adult. Stop asking me if I had my lunch. Ofcourse I had, I eat it everyday n if I don't, it's no big deal. Stop asking me when I'll come back, how am I travelling or who is dropping me back. Stop asking me if I am responsible enough when I'm drinking. I can take care of myself. I'm not a baby for God's sake!'.
She stood there. Quiet. Numb. Hurt. But still quiet.

'Sorry', she said. 'I know you eat your lunch everyday, but I like eating mine, after I know you are full. I know you are an adult n can travel safe, but I'm scared, coz I value you, I'm scared when you are drunk n you drive, I'm scared when you are sleepy n you travel late. I know you're not a baby. But you don't realize. You are my life and I protect you just the way I protect myself. I like hearing from you, nothing fancy or romantic, but just that 'I am okay', 'I'll be late, but I'll keep you posted', 'I'll drink in a limit, because I know I have to travel back alone', 'I'll be fine love!'. Just tell me once not to bother you and you will not receive a call from me. But I can't promise that I'll stop worrying, coz I do and that is because I love you'.

'I don't need any sort of control over my life', he said. 'Fine, if you think this is a sort of dominance, I'm sorry. I won't bother you at all', she said.
Two weeks later. 'What is this, no updates, no messages? How was your day? Did you miss lunch? How's everything?', he said.

'Nothing new. Ate lunch. Slept. Survived and I love you'. She said.
'What sort of way of talking is that?'
'Practical. Simple and Mature !'
'Ohh god ! I'm not able to understand. You went out n came all the way walking from the market till home. Why such irresponsible behavior?'
'Im an adult. You care too much!'
He was quiet. Numb. Confused. But then... he understood...

'I'm sorry. All these days I went crazy thinking over n over about what was missing in my day. i used to check my phone every now n then just to see if you sent a text or called but never wanted to confess to myself that i was missing your attention.. your concern. My ego echoed again n again that you have your space n you wanted this but my heart just couldn't agree with it. Give me my crazy love back. I miss it n I wouldn't ever have admitted that. Thanks for this realization. I love you so much.'

-When the people you love... your parents, siblings, friends, partner etc. Ask about your whereabouts, it doesn't mean that they want to control you or put a surveillance over you, it is because they love you n want to be there if you need them in any case. These people love you, unconditionally, selflessly. Don't break their heart.



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