
Showing posts from October, 2017

🤗|Still looking for answers...|

I remember that I used to write letters to him.. not on mail or message but on paper. Old school style. He loved reading my letters because it was like hours crumbled into words... He used to read them aloud and paused in between... When I asked him what happened he used to say that I keep trying and fail Everytime because I want to measure the depth of these simple words and the amount of interpretations and perceptions they have. What you write is not abstract but heavy... What you write is not real but dreamy. Please never stop writing letters to me. But then.. one day I stopped. Because he stopped reading. Why ? Because because because... . . . Still looking for answers. .

Is this depression ?

There are times, When you scream and there's no noise, When you cry and there are no tears, When you are sleepless in thoughts, yet asleep in real, When your mirror questions you and nothing answers, When each step feels like a milestone, And each breath feels like a lifetime... When you're not lazy but just tired, Not physically but emotionally, Drained and drenched with your own dark thoughts, Locked and blocked in your mind's own darker room, When you see good things happening around, But can't feel anything, When even the best weather doesn't create a difference, And every morning there's a heavy feeling... A drowning heart and dying spirit, But then the thought that this shall pass, As it is said, as the last time it was, This is a new day, let's try again, Let's live, let's smile, at least pretend... The sun still shines, The stars still glitter, The winds still blow, And seasons change, But what is it that has boun

Some nightmares never end

He didnt look back, I stood there, silent, teary eyed, He boarded the next metro, Our gaze met, constant, tired, I looked at my phone, It didn't ring, I called him back, He didn't pick, I messaged him, I was blocked, I called him again, I was blocked, Blocked for life, Blocked for ages, He never called back, He never apologized, Unanswered questions, No closure, No reasons, Just a long period of isolation, Denied love, Denied faith, I kept all emotions at Bay, And bottled up emotions, Love knocked again, But each heartbeat was blocked, Feelings were unbreathable, Each intention was questionable, I doubt love now, Coz I doubt myself, Wrong decisions are not always accidents, Some times they bruise your being, So it's hard and gets harder with every passing day, Because some nightmares never end .


you called it love, I couldn't define it, you called it your right, I couldn't deny, the bruises on my body recovered, but their marks still haunt my heart.


Winter nights remind me of those conversations under a single blanket and our freezing feet... . Summer nights remind me of those conversations over chilled beer when we used to roll the cans on our face and arms while talking about our dreams of world trips and adventures ... . Monsoon nights remind me of those conversations that we had under a single umbrella when we both were getting wet from the sides and laughing over a cup of tea... . Autumn nights remind me of the conversations we had while walking around the college campus holding and rubbing each other's hands... . Spring nights remind me of the conversations over how everything withers and blooms again and how similar life was... . Each night. Each season. Remembrances. Memories. Loneliness. Betrayal. Love once. Love still. Love always.

🤗|Its not about|

It's not about how you let me go, but how you held me for that long, It's not about how you didn't turn back and see, but how you looked into my eyes, It's not about how you disappeared like winter fog, But how you recognized me in a crowd, It's not about how you ended us, But how you carried us.

🤗|Im yours |

Months, weeks, days, hours, Let them pass as we come closer, Let the day shine and the nights be long, I know these moments pass much slower, But you know darlin', I'm here, Just a step and a call away, Don't count the distance or the hours, Remember you are mine and I'm yours.

🤗|You are mine|

When you call my name on the phone, I adore the mirror coz I'm alone, Your lips aren't here to kiss me goodnight, But the feeling of being closer feels so real, Your arms aren't here to hold me tight, But your voice travels through my dreams... Your laugh makes me smile while I sleep, Your touch makes me shiver when the wind blows, You are here around me because you make me feel, Coz you hold me through my highs and lows... It's so hard to tell when I fell in love with you, Because it happens every day, Effortless and selfless is how I define, What we share and that you are mine !


वक़्त गुज़रता भी नहीं और थमता भी नहीं,  देखो क़ैद किए बैठा है कैसे हर लम्हा इंतेज़ार मेरा.

🤗|इंतेज़ार की उम्र|

मुलाक़ात का जब बहाना ना हो,  और आरज़ू-ओं पर लगाम ना लगे,  तो माँग लेना तुम भी एक दुआ,  की इंतेज़ार की उम्र जल्दी कटे.

🤗|निगाह भर के देखने की इजाज़त|

निगाह भर के देखने की इजाज़त भी हो,  ख्वाबों जैसी एक हक़ीक़त भी हो,  तो समझ लेना इंतेज़ार ख़त्म हुआ,  ऐसी भी आए काश एक मुलाक़ात हो.

🤗|And we meet|

365 days in numeric, A year as it is to be believed, A lifetime as I quote, And we finally get to meet.

This day, last year...

This day, last year, I lost you. Since then, life changed. You and I never met. Words never found a way. Time moved day after day. You never missed my touch. You never recalled my love. I didn't wait a day for you to come back, Because I couldn't forget what all you said. The nights are still long. The days are still a pain. The hours still feel like months. The seconds feel like eternity. I still listen to your favorite song, And miss you when I lose my strength. I still long for your sight, And the struggle to survive persists. I give up and hope again each day, To find a reason and a way, But tonight I can't sleep as I am lost, Lost somewhere I can't recall. Look at me and Hold me again, Kiss my tears and ease this pain, I love you and just can't still believe, That you're gone and not here when I need, Are you still thinking of me the way I am tonight? Are you still up too like me in this dark night?


When longing becomes attainment, And love becomes a dream, You know your hands are empty, You stay calm and cannot scream, Your voices echo inside your heart, And thoughts wander here and there, You ignore yourself, and scold too, But nothing then affects you...


Most of my poetry is generally about the night.. because without you the nights have always been longer... without you the nights have always been darker and without you the nights have always felt lonelier. I went for night outs and late night parties.. but they were all excuses.. every night post work whenever I lie down on my bed.. I think of the times we sat together and talked about life at 3-4 AM.. about our fears, dreams and childhood memories... I think of the times when I slept with you and the way you wrapped me in your arms and I could hear your heartbeat... I remember how I always used to tell you to calm down and notice that our breaths were always in sync.. you slept early every night and I used to gaze at you for hours... Now when I lie down on my bed, I YouTube videos instructing how to distract your mind.. and similar ones. It's funny how amazingly we were together and how drastically things changed and now we are just mere strangers. Are your nights longer than


. . Wandering through the dark nights, my thoughts get tired. Living in dilemmas and confusions about the past, life gets tired. But then there are reasons and hopes that push me towards a new tomorrow, where I see a new image of what we could be and also the reality about what we really are. Can you hear the silences traveling through the late nights.. can you feel the Breeze flowing from my house to yours... No we aren't neighbors nor we are in the same city.. but still can you smell the perfume I wore today that you gifted.. these thoughts.. these maybes.. these assurances and hopes gives my life a new reason to look forward to.. but you're still there.. smiling at me for no reason and I wonder if I am a joke or my life is, which is still under the control of your thoughts...