
Most of my poetry is generally about the night.. because without you the nights have always been longer... without you the nights have always been darker and without you the nights have always felt lonelier. I went for night outs and late night parties.. but they were all excuses.. every night post work whenever I lie down on my bed.. I think of the times we sat together and talked about life at 3-4 AM.. about our fears, dreams and childhood memories... I think of the times when I slept with you and the way you wrapped me in your arms and I could hear your heartbeat... I remember how I always used to tell you to calm down and notice that our breaths were always in sync.. you slept early every night and I used to gaze at you for hours... Now when I lie down on my bed, I YouTube videos instructing how to distract your mind.. and similar ones. It's funny how amazingly we were together and how drastically things changed and now we are just mere strangers. Are your nights longer than usual too ? Do you think of me ? The dreams that shattered belonged to you as well, do you still think about them ? Are your nights this dark ? And do you still read my poetry ?


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