
Showing posts from September, 2015


ना जाने कहाँ वो मोहब्बत, वो बेकरारी गुम हो गयी, जो हम तुम में एक सी थी, ना जाने 'हम', कब 'तू' और 'मैं' बन गये, ना जाने कब, यह फ़ासले आ गये, ना जाने क्यूँ, हर रंग फीका पड़ड़ने लगा, ना जाने क्यूँ, हर ख्वाब टूटने लगा, दूरियों की ज़रूरत क्यूँ हुमको लगने लगी, क्यूँ बातों को सबूतों की ज़रूरत पड़ने लगी. क्यूँ वो यकीन मिटने लगा, क्यूँ हर ज़ररा बिखरने लगा, क्यूँ वो नज़र बदलने लगी, क्यूँ आँखें यह भरने लगी, क्यूँ पास रहकर भी साथ का एहसास गुम होने लगा, क्यूँ तुमको छू कर भी, तुम तक ना पहुँचे, ऐसा लगने लगा, क्यूँ सारी कमियाँ अब दिखने लगी, क्यूँ दूरी की ज़रूरत पड़ने लगी. Medhavi 30.09.15

Forgive me...

Forgive me, forgive me, He said again... Forgive the heartbreak, And all the pain... Forget that I forgot you for a while, Forget that I touched her just the way I touch you, Forget that I shared my breaths with hers, Forget that I left my smell in a few rooms of her... Forget that I shared myself with her, Forget that I forgot that you were away, Forget that I took you for granted and had no fears, Forget that I thought it was just another day... Forget that I did it after thinking twice, Forget that I thought of you but still couldn't fight, Forget that I wasn't weak but wanted it too, Forget that I kept aside my love for you... Forgive me for a transitory moment that ruptured your faith, Forgive me for reality that is heart wrenching but was just a phase... I kept quiet, the helplessness said it all, I sat aside, held myself and cried, I looked at him and asked him 'why me', He hugged me tight and begged, please dont leave me...

इश्क़ का अंजाम ना पा सके

बे-मतलब सा रिश्ता कोई, बे-नाम भी, बदनाम भी, बिखरे हुए से किससे का वजूद लिए, फिरता है बेशरम सा सारे-आम भी... ना कोई राह, ना मंज़िल, बस गुज़रता सा काफिला, ना मोहब्बत कह पाए जिससे, यह है वो अधूरा सिलसिला... हम देते रहे जिसे इबादत का नाम हंस कर, उस डोर में एक पल भी वो बाँध ना सके, इश्क़ का रुतबा तो कब का हासिल कर चुके, बस इश्क़ कर के, इश्क़ का अंजाम ना पा सके... Medhavi

🎈Something about you...

There's something about you, that I can't frame into words. The way you hold your own hand while sitting and holding your legs together... or the way you do your hair just after a bath... the way you look at yourself in the mirror... or the way you light a cigarette.. the way your morning voice sounds.. or the way you play your mouth organ..the way you smile or the way you sleep.. the way you wink or the way you grin.. the way you dance.. or the way you hold your glass.. the way you look.. or just the way you are...You don't realize how swiftly yet quickly you steal my heart every time with these little things.. I fall in love.. more and more.. deeper and deeper. You are beautiful in your own unimaginable n indescribable ways and I love every bit of you...

😒She is in a mess

She is in a mess, a mess that she creates for herself, And she loves it ! Her depths are undefined, Her breaths too dream of him, The spirit of her love is so divine, That her leftover courage too calls his name. She is a lie, She is a truth, She writes poetry, She has a story, Mesmerizing yet a danger, Fictional and stranger, With every page a reality unfolds, Her life's tale is a story untold.

Para His honesty was heart-breaking at times

His honesty was heart-breaking at times. His words were true, his intentions were clean but his actions spoke differently. He said what he meant and he meant what he said. He loved me, he really did. But it was a pain to see him in the arms of another woman,  his hands under someone else's waist and another just barely touching me. I desired him to show her and others, that he loved me and they meant nothing, but he liked being shared, he liked being touched. He apologized later and told me it didn't involve a bit of his heart or soul, it was just momentary and I am permanent, but I got hurt. I felt lost and ignored, supressed and un-cherished, held but not loved. I wanted to cry, I wanted to scream, I wanted to push her away and tell her and the world that he's just mine and every bit of his belongs to me. I wasn't insecure, I wasn't possessive, I was just so scared that night. He looked at her the way he looked at me the first time we met. She wasn't pre

Mystery (State of mind)

He was a mystery, the more I met him, the more I discovered new things  about him. His way of thinking with respect to different things varied so much from mine, but he still managed to reach a middle ground through his reasons and perceptions.  He was mature yet childish, because he changed colors like the different phases of the day. At times, he told me things that left me into a million dillemmas, of which the biggest was, why did I fall in love with someone like him, who has had such crazy encounters, experiences and stories in the past. I didn't think much, but just made myself re-understand the fact that I love him, no matter how his truths get uglier, layer by layer, because some realities were still pleasant. Like his love for me, the kisses that he planted on my forehead, his smile, his voice and what not.  I needed not just one reason to stay with him, because I had plenty. Because when I fell in love with him, I fell with each pore of his, each vein, each thought of h

Motivational quotes...

There's something about today... Today is the day when I am planning tomorrow... leaving back yesterday and moving forward towards a new light.. an unexplored horizon. Things will get better. They will have to get better. Time will be respected. Relationships will be appreciated. At times.. the most difficult thing to do is to be a better person.. because it requires self-acceptance, self-belief and self-forgiveness. So, I am all set for the day.. and for life.. and for a time that has never been this much inspired and wanted. What about you ? 10.09.15 Everything is not black and white... but grey ! -Medhavi 11.09.15

🎈मुलाक़ात वो पहली ना थी

मुलाक़ात वो पहली ना थी, पर अंदाज़ कुछ नये से थे, लफ़्ज़ों का खेल कुछ नया सा था, और साथ चलने का एहसास अनकहा सा था. ख्वाबों के झरोन्कों से निकल, वो सुबह फिर से आ गयी, कोई सरहद ना थी जिसकी, ऐसी रोशनी सी दिल पर छा गयी. बातें अधूरी रह गयी, काफिला आगे बढ़ गया, यूँ ही चलते चलते देखा, और समा कुछ यूँ बदल गया.


And there were some dreams I could never forget.. and eventually they became a part of me... I close my eyes and feel their being, standing before me as real as reality... No they aren't all good dreams, few are ugly too.. Some are broken and some are beautiful too.. They have their own way of completing me by leaving the stories untold, And keeping my heart bound and chaining my soul... Medhavi 01.09.15

What am I to you... (state of mind)

I used to feel you slipping off my hands, inch by inch of you being assigned to her aura; but now things are changing. I can see you now, see you getting drawn to her, see your deep love for her, see your worried eyes, your concern.. Things are slipping from my hands and I stand here smiling, without an option apart from letting you go and hoping that maybe, maybe you will come back to me. I feel paralyzed at times, hopeless and lonely; but then I remember the good times with you, the laughters and the smiles, the day you knelt down before me and said 'I love you', the day you told me that you really wanted to marry me, the long walks, the meals together. But that all still doesn't change the feeling, that you are slipping and sliding slowly. She doesnt have to hold your hand, she doesnt need a committment to make you hers, your soul, your heart, your breaths, your thoughts, belong to her and call for her. When you are in deep slumber at nights, and I can't sleep