
When did you stop dreaming ? 
When did your colors started to fade ? 
When did you stop liking what you saw in the mirror ? 
When did you stop believing that happiness is self made ? 

Was it the day someone couldn't understand how you felt, so they told you that you're losing your mind ? 

Or the day when someone chose someone else over you, just because they disappointed you and didn't have the patience to keep trying to win you back ? 

Was it the day your parents / friends told you that by this age you should be done with this and you're still stuck ? 

Or the day when your friends cut you off because you weren't of any use to them in future ? 

Was it the day when someone you love told you that you're jealous of their success ? 

Or the day they told you that you control and manipulate them while you were just trying to advise ? 

I know, not just one, but many people broke you, over and over and now all you feel is this heaviness and numbness in your body and mind. I understand that you've been wronged, you've been hurt, cheated on, broken, and I won't say that everything is going to be fine soon. Because 'soon' doesn't come early. 'Soon' comes with a price. Are you ready to pay that price ? Are you patient enough ? 

Or let's just laugh it off, laugh at yourself for being fooled again, hurt again and used again. And continue pretending that everything is fine. 

Don't do that. 

Trust me I've tried. It's exhausting.

I won't say that I know what you'd do that would make you feel better; But just stop pretending. Accept how you feel, write how you feel, and give yourself some time. Be gentle to yourself. 

- Medhavi


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