out of love

When did you fall out of love ? 
Was it the moment when we fought for three days straight ?
Or the day when I was busy and made you wait ? 
Was it the moment you realized that you wouldn't lose me ?
Or the day when I begged before you to not leave me ?

Was it the moment you lost all the respect for me ? 
Or the day when you stopped to expect anything from me ? 
Was it the moment when someone else took my place ? 
Or the day when all you needed from me was space ? 

Was it the moment you thought life could be better without me ? 
Or the day when you questioned why you even chose me ?
Was it the moment when you couldn't even like the real me ?
Or the day you saw someone else who was prettier than me ?

Was it the moment when you touched me and it felt the same ?
Or the day you felt different and never felt like seeing me again ? 
Was it the moment when you knew you had to leave but didn't ?
Or the day you felt you had to tell me all this but couldn't ? 

Yes, there are no whys here but only whens, 
Because I knew I lost you long ago but it didn't make any sense,
I could see that love was absent in your eyes,
And I could smell ignorance in your little lies, 
I laughed at all your excuses and decided to let go,
And concealed my pain and only said that I was feeling low. 

I had no choice, so I only hoped, 
For a while I tried but then again let it all go, 
I hoped that some day you'll feel the changes too,
I hoped that you'd feel that I wasn't doing the things I used to do,
But it broke my heart but you didn't even notice, 
And I kept on walking every day on my broken pieces.

I stopped expressing how I felt, even if it was love,
Coz I thought you'd miss me but maybe I was never enough, 
Oh yes, you missed me, when you wanted to share, 
And when you needed a listener and some one to care. 

You didn't even realize that things were dying between us, 
You didn't even hold me when I was crying for our loss,


When I started writing to rescue my peace,
You blamed me for showing off my pain, 
You never realized that I just wanted you to read,
The things I didn't want to say again, 

When I communicated to you that you were hurting me,
You told me that all I do is compare and complain,
And closed all your doors that comforted me,
You never acknowledged me and even called me insane,
I lost all my battles because you gave up on me.

I know you'd never read this, 
Maybe that's why I'm brave enough to write it down,
Oh yes, now I'm scared to say a word, 
About how I feel to you or anyone else in the world,
You didn't realize but you broke my spirit and self belief,
I can't remember the last moment of happiness or relief,
But I still pray the best for you every single day,
Maybe you'd answer my whens some day, 
Until then I'd love you quietly by distancing my heart from you,
Because unfortunately I couldn't even keep myself away from you,
Oh yes, I have no right to say that I'm helpless in any way,
But I feel so disconnected already from the world and you,
That I have stopped caring about what others would think,
Because for me it's life with long days and longer nights, 
My ship sailed for a while but had to eventually sink,
And maybe I deserved this and it's alright. 

- Medhavi


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