Did you

Did you look at her again
The way you looked the first time
Did you hold her hand again
And caressed it for a little long

Did you place your arm around
Held her closer and kissed her ears
Did you smell her, when she just woke up
And tell her again that she's still a dream
The question here is if your love continued
Or expired with the passing weather
The concern here is your attention if faded
Did it divide between her or someone else

Its not about being insecure but about keeping the spark alive
Its not about being unsure but about deepening the love n make it survive
Through the darkness through the pain
Just say it once again
An "I love you" is not just a phrase my dear
Its still the small yet deep old school thing
Say it again say it aloud
Let your heart scream out
Between the everyday everything
Just take out time for these little things
Dont take her for granted oh boy
She wont leave but her love shall
So value it and treasure it too
Coz thats how your life shall sail...



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