🚩Will you still love me ?

When I'll be unreasonable
And change statements
And not let you speak
Will you still love me ?
When I'll return home late
Drenched in a mix of rain n sweat
Will you still love me ?
When I'll gain weight and still eat pizza
And spend my savings on a random trip to ibiza
Will you still love me ?
When I'll not take a shower on Sundays
And still cuddle with you anyway
Will you still love me ?
When I'll kiss you every morning without brushing my teeth
And not give your important texts a read
Will you still love me ?
When I'll finish off the last bite of your favorite dessert
And not clean up our home's mess and dirt
Will you still love me ?
When I'll sleep off at any random restaurant after a long day
And not go to gym on my legs day
Will you still love me ?
When I'll roam around in your tee shirts at home
And forget to pay bills of electricity and phone
Will you still love me ?
When I tell you I'm broke but I want that dress
And it's just you who I want to impress
Will you still love me ?
When I'll have wrinkles all over my face
And my sight would get weak
Will you still love me ?
When I'll forget your birthday but still get you gifts without a reason
And get drenched in the rain even in the winter season
Will you still love me ?
When I'll be as crazy as I am
And get worse with my madness
Will you still love me ?
When you'll be the only one to give me a damn
And the one who would give me happiness
Will you still love me ?


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