darkest night through the brightest day...

I have had enough
I have faced enough
My heart doesnt ache anymore..
I have cried enough
I have shared enough
I dont want incomplete people anymore...
I have made mistakes
I have kept myself at stake
And loved like in fairy tales...

I have been fooled
I have been ruled
And abandoned like a toy...

I have grown my own strength
And that to an infinite length
I dont shed any more tears
People come.. connect n go
At times just pretend and show
But now they are not my fear...
Iv understood my worth
I love myself now
Iv wasted enough of my life
In holding on to people
And giving them the place they never deserved....

Now I dont let my heart speak
I trust my instincts n brain
The pain the anguish has reached its peak
I dont count over people who are lame...

I want to look beyond the imperfections of my life
I want to overlook the mistakes i made with respect to my hearts say
I want to just look at everyone and smile like all is well
I just want to encounter the darkest night through the brightest day...



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