he said

He said he loved her,
She said I can't love anymore,
He said he could mend her heart,
She said she had lost the courage...

He sent her flowers,
He sent her a portion of his first salary,
She smiled but never let that sink in...

He came to meet her,
He made her feel special,
She smiled but could never reciprocate...

He wrote her letters,
He bought her a dress,
She read them n wore it but never could feel...

He said he'd be there,
He said he'll hold her,
She heard it all but could'nt ever believe...

He fought with his friends,
He detached himself from the world,
While she got busy discovering herself...

He protected her always,
He kept her under covers,
While she built a castle for herself...

He made her strong,
He made her feel alive,
She accepted the changes,
but just for herself...

He thought he made her his own,
He thought she fell in love,
She did.. but with herself...

The capability to love did'nt exist in her,
The pain that changed things,
 Was a lesson for her...

He expected just one thing, her love,
She accepted just one thing, her freedom,
He wanted to walk, she wanted to fly,
He wanted to live, she wanted to die,
He wanted a name, she wanted an identity,
He wanted a dream, she wanted a serendipity...

He longed for her love,
She longed to fall in love,
He waited for her, days and nights,
Months and years...

She prepared herself,
But failed miserably,
Every moment of love,
Reminded her of the tears she wept,
Every present he gave,
Reminded her of the memories she kept...

She fell in love,
But not with him,
She got committed,
But not with him,
She found love,
Deep inside her soul,
One profound love,
That played no role...

She understood,
She didnt need his love,
She understood,
She just needed a friend...

She confessed,
And apologised,
She gave a choice,
To begin or to end...

His heart broke,
His dreams shattered,
His hopes died,
His heart regretted,
She was honest,
Maybe that was her fault,
He left her alone,
And parted ways in short...

She could'nt blame him,
Neither could she complain,
She tried too hard,
But could'nt force love,
She was scared,
She was broken as well,
Damaged within,
She was honest as well...

He broke all ties,
She let him leave,
He left her the way,
He found her that day,
She smiled and said,
"Its nothing unimaginable
Afterall you only taught me
Nothing in this world is permanent"

Medhavi Medz


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