depression 🌸

Is this Depression ? 

There are times,
When you scream and there's no noise,
When you cry and there are no tears,
When you are sleepless in thoughts, yet asleep in real,
When your mirror questions you and nothing answers,
When each step feels like a milestone,
And each breath feels like a lifetime...

When you're not lazy but just tired,
Not physically but emotionally,
Drained and drenched with your own dark thoughts,
Locked and blocked in your mind's own darker room,
When you see good things happening around,
But can't feel anything,
When even the best weather doesn't create a difference,
And every morning there's a heavy feeling...

A drowning heart and dying spirit,
But then the thought that this shall pass, 
As it is said, as the last time it was,
This is a new day, let's try again,
Let's live, let's smile, at least pretend...

The sun still shines, 
The stars still glitter, 
The winds still blow, 
And seasons change, 
But what is it that has bound me, 
What is it that has surrounded me, 
A dark shadow walking with me,
Stopping me from moving on,
A strange force holding me back,
And telling me you can't carry on...

A feeling of indifference, And disbelief,
A feeling of falling from the greatest height,
A feeling of going through the darkest night,
Every day, every moment, 
Pushing myself for one more day,
And try some other way,
To love myself at least today,
To love my life in some way.

- Medhavi


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