Rahul 2🌸

You are like that full moon night,
For which I waited for, since childhood,
To complete the poetry that I wrote as my fairy-tale...

You are like that glass window,
On which I never pasted any sticker and never painted,
Because I loved looking through it...

With you it's so easy to flow,
So easy to just let go,
Because you are you and that makes me believe that miracles happen...

You are like that special ink pen that I never wanted to share anyone with,
That last page of all my slam books that I left empty for someone,
That first "Add Gel" pen that I bought and didn't use because I didn't want its ink to finish,
That last phantom cigarette candy that I hid away from my cousins,
You are like my childhood because you are real and there's no pretense,
You are like the life I live secretively when I'm alone for not letting the world know,
You are like the mirror I talk to everyday, because you make me, me and you are always you !
You are like the home I always wanted to come back to...


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