🎈You are my poetry

You came to my life
And became the poetry
That made me smile
And forget the dark thoughts

You became the door
That always had enough light
Crossing across me giving me strength

You became that hope
That ignited new dreams
Moving through my wide awake sight

You became that thought
That moved with me
Like a perfume that just had it's own kind of smell

You became my 3AM reasons to smile
That put me to sleep and
Made me forget all the pain

You are still my poetry
But things have changed
Now when I read you
I find glimpses of my past
Abandonment, giving up,
Betrayal and indifference.

Maybe you haven't changed
Maybe nothing has
And I'm back
Back to square one
Writing again a sad story
In form of my poetry
This time it's you who broke me heart
But still, you are my poetry.


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