🤗|He asked, is your favorite color still deep purple?|

He asked, do you still love me ?
She said, if you will still sing for me, then yes, till eternity.

|He asked, did you miss me ?
She said, yes.. whenever I smiled.|

He asked, do you still wear that dress ?
She said, no, but now I will.

He asked, do you still write ?
She said, you should ask, do I still live.

He asked, I can't believe you still have those local train tickets.
She said, I can't believe you even remember them.

|He asked, is your favorite color still deep purple?
She said, the depth is the same, but the color floats.|

He asked, do you remember our first kiss ?
She said, trembling words, happily nervous, did you ever feel the same again ?

🤗|He asked, did you ever write love letters again?
She said, yes once, but never posted. Your address changed.|

|He asked, do you still like rain ?
She said, do you still cry ?|

🌟|He asked, do you remember that night ?
She said, yes, minute by minute, second by second, lifetime by lifetime.|


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