🏴Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar for Skin and Hair

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar for Skin and Hair:

Apple Cider Vinegar, though sounds weird to use for skin and hair, is actually very beneficial. It improves and preserves your beauty if you add it on a regular basis in your daily routine.

As a Skin Anesthetic: ACV is a great skin soother and acts as an anesthetic for your skin. But the way and proportion in which one has to use it is very important. Take a bath tub or small bucket of lukewarm water and then add seven to eight ounces of ACV to it. It also deodorizes your feet. The dilution of ACV with water is very essential as it is acidic in nature and might burn your skin. You can soak your tired feet in this mixture for some time. This helps to rehabilitate your hard skin around the feet. It has an anti-inflammatory property that also softens skin.

Treat Sunburn: In this heat and increased temperatures, even a few minutes in the sun harm our skin severely. The Sun-tan lotions work but not too efficiently always. ACV and its natural ingredients helps in treating sun burn in the most basic manner. Just mix four to five tablespoons of ACV to three cups of water and then use a cotton handkerchief or a cloth to dip in this mixture. Now dab this cloth on the affected areas. ACV is a very good healer and bolsters healing of burnt skin. It also prohibits blistering and other infections.

As a Hair Conditioner: ACV is really good for hair but the usage and again the proportion here is very important. You can use ACV as a Hair Conditioner after shampooing your hair. Just mix three to four teaspoons of ACV to a bathing mug filled with water (regular temperature). Put this mixture in a spray bottle and spray on your hair roots and ends, from a distance. Leave on this mixture on your hair for 15-20 minutes maximum. You can also use a shower cap and do other bathing things like scrubbing etc. Then rinse your hair with plain water. And then you will find your hair shinier and healthier as ACV is a great conditioner as the acetic acid present in it acts on your hair in a healthy manner. But do take care that the proportion is right else it might burn your hair.

As a Skin Toner: You can also use ACV as a skin toner every night before you sleep. Just mix a teaspoon of ACV with a cup of water. Put in a cotton ball in this mixture, remove the excess of the mixture and dab this cotton ball on your clean face (after washing it once with water or face wash, whatever suits you and drying it). This helps in tightening your skin, minimize your pores and quicken blood circulation.

To Treat Dandruff affected Hair: Dandruff is an issue that keeps coming on and off and generally results due to shampoo or conditioner or oil build – ups in the scalp. ACV is very effective when it comes to dandruff treatment. You can use to ACV and water diluted mixture as hair spray and massage in the roots and then shampoo to remove dandruff or you may also add some ACV, like a teaspoon or so to your shampoo and mix them together and use it on your hair. It is also antiseptic cum antifungal in nature, thus it removes dandruff without much effort. It also prevents further damage or fungal growth/dandruff in future by restoring the natural oils and layers of the hair and scalp.

As a Skin Healer: In case you get Bruises or Acne or Laser bumps, you can use ACV in such cases. The way of usage is the same. Add some ACV in a small vessel and dilute it with little water and dip a cotton ball in it and apply it on the affected areas. ACV calms injuries and encourages healing.


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