Exhausted ? But why ! **

Have you ever felt exhausted ?
Exhausted from the world around you,
fake smiles, failures, unexpected goodbyes, unwanted encounters, bitter truths,
being taken for granted, body shamed?
Being judged over the minutest of things, two faced people, heartbreaks,
being cheated over, being walked over, being used over n over?
Being discouraged by your confidants,
Being challenged by incompetent losers,
Being questioned about your choices,
Being labeled with a stereotype?
When you feel exhausted with any of these things... Just look at the brighter side..
Coz there are people out there who smile with their eyes and heart, who give without expecting, who encourage you when you fail, who never say goodbye, who make each encounter meaningful, who help you make sense of anything and everything, who make you face the bitter truths but stand by you to give you strength to face them, but not alone, who value you n are scared to lose you, who accept you as you are, with your imperfections....
Who don't judge you because they know they aren't perfect, who can't help being honest n straightforward, no matter how bitter the reality is, who don't abuse your emotions, who would might never break your heart, who never think about anyone else and prioritize you when you need them, who walk with you, guide you, who never abuse your talents and ethics, who trust your capabilities...
Who encourage you to reach beyond impossible, who tell you that you are your own competition, who accept your decisions after being satisfied with the pros n cons, who never put you under a segment of people or classify you...
These people make you realize the possibilities beyond the imperfections and insecurities, they make you brave, they make you more of yourself. Treasure them. Tell them today that they mean the world to you.. just like I did...


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