A Painful Dream (2011)..*


Today morning i woke up with a smile,
Touched the bed beside myself to hold ur hand once again,
but u weren't there with me, i was all alone,
I looked around so that i could find a little glimpse of u,
but u weren't there,i looked everywhere and couldnt find a clue...

The dream was beautiful though u weren't actually with me,
I appeased myself and tried to break the illusion that ur dream made,
I wish i could remain asleep forever and live my life in ur arms,
keep looking in ur deep eyes and never take my eyes off...

The reality is bitter though u never loved me the way i did,
U took me just as a friend and never saw what my eyes said,
u smiled at me and i smiled back but you never noticed how pensive i was,
for me u were always a cynosure, a beautiful gift by the almighty to me...

No, i won't call it a love story coz it was one sided,
a million times for which my heart chided,
the feelings of the heart are always so diffident and meek,
but this heart has this habit of being quiet and never speak...

I remember those times when i snuggled in your arms,
for u it was just being friendly but for me it was life,
i remember the way i shuddered when u touched me,
you embellished all my dreams by just being a part of them...

I remember in all the games we played,
I always wanted to be in your team,
So that I could spend some more time with you,
So that I could fill more colours in my mundane life...

I remember when in the class you used to sit with me,
we exchanged smiles and gazes,
I dint understand at times what was on your mind,
but i never bothered about it as it made me happy...

I remember the time you slept on my shoulders,
I could smell u and feel each inch of ur shoulder n head caressing myn,
some of ur phrases were deplorable at times but i always smiled,
you took me as a loser but never undertood how indignant i felt...

You were my support in my bad days,
you always showed deference to my family,
you weren't a part..but my life,
but you always took me for granted,
you hurted me, you made me cry,
but for you the doors of my heart were always open...

now times have changed, things have changed,
but u still come in my dreams and hug me when i need u,
console me when i had a bad day,
you are always in my thoughts, my days my nights,
though you never realised, this is wat my heart felt,
i still love u from the core of my heart,
no matter you love me or not,
whether u care or not, i love you,
without any question,without any conditions,
i just love u and will love u forever...


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