
Depression is when you know that the one who is helping you is giving you the same advice that you would've given to any of your friends in the same situation as yours, but you realise that you have forgotten how to talk to yourself and also that you don't trust yourself with your life any longer and prefer talking to a friend or even a stranger.. whoever is willing to listen to you.

Depression is when you feel scared of being happy, being attached to somebody, of self appreciation, of your own choices, decisions, thoughts and finally yourself. This fear lives with you, within you practically, all the time. You unintentionally end up seeing the negatives of situations and disliking yourself. This doesn't come into your thoughts or realisation because you are too lost escaping the web that you have created for yourself through your own thoughts. Depression is serious. It needs attention.

Depression is when you don't want to get up from your bed every morning. It is because of a lot many reasons. You don't think anything is worth getting up for, not even yourself. You keep lying on the bed, half asleep, half in dreams and reality. You keep thinking all about a million things.. of the past.. the present and also those which haven't even happened. There's a fear to face the world as you get tired of pretending beyond a point. There's a fear of meeting people as you are tired of hoping and trusting intentions. So thinking of all these things, you prefer being in bed, all day, sleep your heart and soul out. Nothing tastes good anymore. No place gives you peace. No friend can give you the encouragement you want and hence, you simply give up to be just with yourself. Depression drives you crazy and you don't even understand how it silently kills your spirit.


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