Have you ever been crazy in love ?...*

Have you ever been crazy in love ?

To the extent that
You see rainbows in their eyes
And just choose to ignore all lies...

You like holding their hand
Even after months n years have passed...

You dress up, with them in your mind
And put efforts to impress though they are Already yours...

You may dull yourself to make them shine,
And still lighten up their path to glory...

You feel enriched when you motivate them
And successful when you see them rewarded...

You like doing their household chores
And that too with a wide smile...

You still like smelling their clothes
And having a conversation every other time...

You collect their belongings n keep them around
No matter it's a muffler or a pen, a wrapper or a bill...

You dance on your way to work
Because in the evening you have a date...

No matter it may be the 250th
But you just don't want to get late...

Not because you're punctual or something
But just because you don't want to miss a single thing...

Sounds old school ?
Or teenage like ?
I guess that's still the way a few people love
... even after being heartbroken a lot if times... 

Love doesn't come with a number, age or capacity... love is unconditional and pure. So don't be scared to love.. be scared to lose... be scared to be lost...



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